Exhibition Opening “First Woman on the Moon”

Moon” clothing collection in honour of the 50th anniversary of the flight to the Moon, which has been created in collaboration with KOMA-MODULAR. The opening will take place in the EXPO pavilion of KOMA in Vizovice.
The “First Woman on the Moon” collection was created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first man on the moon. Women have gone to space, but never to the moon. The connection of traditional woollen materials combined with artificial “lamé” textiles recalls the mood of the 60’s, the “space age”, and the era of plastics. The collection was created with a certain embellishment as a reaction to the work of American female artist, Aleksandra Mir, who had already sent the first woman to the Moon with her performance in 1999. The collection is presented in KOMA modules – symbols of space, movement, future and sustainability.
Fashion designer: Adriana Šatková
Photographer: Julius Filip
Graphic design: Mainview
Modul: KOMA
Furniture: mminterier