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The Pavel Novák Grand Pri­ze for Archi­tectu­re

Published:: 2019-05-30 13:10:47

The relo­ca­ted EXPO pavi­li­on that has been modi­fied into a mul­ti­functi­o­nal buil­ding to hou­se a galle­ry and our com­pa­ny headquar­ters has been acknowled­ged with first pri­ze in the Zlin Regi­on Buil­ding of the Year com­pe­ti­ti­on – the Pavel Novák Grand Pri­ze for Archi­tectu­re. The Grand Pri­ze is not awar­ded each year but rather only to out­stan­ding buil­ding ini­ti­a­ti­ves; this award is only the 6th in its 17-year his­to­ry.

The expert jury appre­ci­a­ted the ele­gan­ce as well as the structu­ral accom­plishment of KOMA MODU­LAR. ​„We are deli­gh­ted by the ove­rall qua­li­ty of this work; it is a demon­strati­on of a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent buil­ding tech­no­lo­gy; it is a modu­lar sys­tem and an exam­ple of how structu­res can be erec­ted with the help of this sys­tem. Such a high level qua­li­ty of work, detail and inte­ri­or solu­ti­ons – this is very rare­ly seen. More­o­ver, it has been com­ple­ted with the excellent artis­tic work of the duo of Bar­bo­ra Šla­pe­to­vá and Lukáš Ritt­stein, which is unique within the Czech Repub­lic,“ com­men­ded the jury fore­per­son, M. Arch. Dag­mar Nová.

The suc­cess­ful EXPO pavi­li­on was designed by two young and respec­ted con­tem­po­ra­ry archi­tects from the CHYBIK+KRISTOF Stu­dio. The inte­ri­or of the admi­nis­tra­ti­ve buil­ding was ela­bo­ra­ted by archi­tects from the Olgoj Chor­choj Studio.

In the past, the Grand Pri­ze was awar­ded to three buil­dings in the for­mer Zlin Baťa Industrial Zone: The Ent­re­pre­ne­u­rial and Inno­va­ti­ve Cen­t­re, Baťa Skyscra­per and Baťa Insti­tu­te, and also to the Cita­del Hospi­ce in Valaš­ské Mezi­ří­čí. Last year it was awar­ded to the Edu­cati­on Com­plex of Tomáš Baťa Zlin Uni­ver­si­ty designed by archi­tect and Zlín nati­ve, Eva Jiřič­ná, and her Pra­gue design group.

As the icing on the cake, a second modu­lar buil­ding, the Soli­da­ry Hotel upon Sei­ne, was also awar­ded the cer­ti­fi­ca­te of merit in the cate­go­ry of Buil­ding Imple­men­ted Out­si­de of the Zlín Region.


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