The Pavel Novák Grand Prize for Architecture

The relocated EXPO pavilion that has been modified into a multifunctional building to house a gallery and our company headquarters has been acknowledged with first prize in the Zlin Region Building of the Year competition – the Pavel Novák Grand Prize for Architecture. The Grand Prize is not awarded each year but rather only to outstanding building initiatives; this award is only the 6th in its 17-year history.
The expert jury appreciated the elegance as well as the structural accomplishment of KOMA MODULAR. „We are delighted by the overall quality of this work; it is a demonstration of a completely different building technology; it is a modular system and an example of how structures can be erected with the help of this system. Such a high level quality of work, detail and interior solutions – this is very rarely seen. Moreover, it has been completed with the excellent artistic work of the duo of Barbora Šlapetová and Lukáš Rittstein, which is unique within the Czech Republic,“ commended the jury foreperson, M. Arch. Dagmar Nová.
The successful EXPO pavilion was designed by two young and respected contemporary architects from the CHYBIK+KRISTOF Studio. The interior of the administrative building was elaborated by architects from the Olgoj Chorchoj Studio.
In the past, the Grand Prize was awarded to three buildings in the former Zlin Baťa Industrial Zone: The Entrepreneurial and Innovative Centre, Baťa Skyscraper and Baťa Institute, and also to the Citadel Hospice in Valašské Meziříčí. Last year it was awarded to the Education Complex of Tomáš Baťa Zlin University designed by architect and Zlín native, Eva Jiřičná, and her Prague design group.
As the icing on the cake, a second modular building, the Solidary Hotel upon Seine, was also awarded the certificate of merit in the category of Building Implemented Outside of the Zlín Region.